Merits Of Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction offers an ideal solution for those who want to eliminate the unwanted body fats that are hard to be removed through exercises or dieting. Compared to the traditional liposuction techniques, the laser liposuction is less painful and creates lower degree of damage to the surrounding tissues. This subdued system of surgery is capable of bringing down the time of recovery and is less intrusive to the normal routine of the patient.

Laser liposuction employs optical fibers to heat the fat cells and melt away the excess fat. This makes the procedure less painful and less traumatic to the surrounding skin cells around the treated area, when compared to the traditional liposuction. In spite of anesthesia making the treated area numb, wearing off of the medication can result in a very uncomfortable period of recovery.

The technique adopted by the traditional liposuction varies with the laser liposuction. Under the traditional method, the fat cells are broken up by exerting force over the area to be treated. The application of force imposes great danger to the blood cells resulting in a huge blood loss, besides increasing the risk of damage to the internal organs. A laser liposuction, on the other hand, uses the small tubes to suck the unwanted fat, reducing the injury to internal organs and capillaries.

The smaller incision in laser liposuction requires small area to be stitched up after the procedure. The smaller area also reduces the scope for infections that can creep in during the time of recovery.

An individual who has undergone a laser liposuction is typically discharged on the same day after a few hours of surgery. The time to recover is highly dependent on the area treated. Larger the area, greater is the time taken for it to heal. A couple of days to over two weeks are what it is typically taken for the treated area to heal. As compared to the traditional liposuction technique, the chances for the complications that can arise out of inadequate drainage of fat are minimal under the laser technique.

Laser liposuction, thus, is highly advantageous over the traditional system of liposuction on account of the usage of improved tools and procedure. In short, laser liposuction is ideal for treating smaller areas.

Laser Liposuction for the Face

Facial liposuction is one of the highly sought after cosmetic surgical procedures today. It is popular irrespective of the gender amongst the men and women. Most of the men who resort for facial liposuction are on the look out to tone and tighten the facial tissues through the surgery. Typically, a facial surgery is one that consists of procedure that treats the chin, lower jaw or the neck and works best with particular types of skin.

Though the popular notion is that cosmetic surgeries are resorted to mainly by women, today it is popular among the men who expect an enhancement to their physical appearance. Whatever be the reason behind the same, the number of men who seek the services of cosmetic surgeons for a nip here or a tightening there are on the rise. While most of these surgeries are performed to remove excess fats in hard to reach areas of the body or minor changes to the structure, facial liposuction is one of the popular areas today.

A younger look through a slender face that cannot be achieved through dieting and exercising is ensured by facial liposuction. The surgery also works to enhance the physical looks of the patient and to tighten the skin around the face. Many undertake facial liposuction to eliminate double chin or sagging jowl. Neck rolls, as a result of excess build up of fat on and around the neck can also be removed through the procedure.

Liposuction works best on people, whose skin is highly elastic in nature, making it one of the major reasons why the younger people benefit more from the surgery. Even though facial liposuction does not impose any age restrictions, many recommend face lift to facial liposuction on those who are above a certain age where the elasticity of the skin is lost to a larger extent.

The cost of liposuction is based on the area covered under the surgery. As the size of the face is small, facial liposuction surgeries can be done at a price range of around two thousand for a single procedure.

Facial liposuction reverses the process and impact of aging and does not cause much health risks to the patient. Unlike other surgeries that require careful evaluation, the use of laser liposuction is considered a safer plastic surgery procedure to the facial tissues.

Financing Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction can, today, be easily financed like any other major purchase. Some clinics offer the patients with the convenience of financing in-house, removing the hardship of seeking other options. If otherwise, the surgeons might be aware of local financing companies that can cover the cost of the surgery. Another option that lay before an individual is to hunt for national companies that extend credit to those who qualifies the criteria placed by them.

People may not consider it wise to seek credit for financing cosmetic enhancement surgeries. But this might turn out to be profitable for those like an aspiring entertainer whose enhanced features would fetch him better revenue. To seek the expertise of an established surgeon who, though expensive and safer, will require financing than on an experienced surgeon. The steep prices quoted by an experienced hand will call for shopping for better financial options.

Requesting for the financial options extended by the clinics may be preferred by those who do not have much time to analyze other various possibilities. But the steep interest rates charged on these financing option might make this source expensive than a cash advance from a credit card.

It is for this reason many people are on the look out for third party financing options. Many surgeons will hold a tie-up with the local financing companies offering many choices in a platter before the patient who is on the look out for profitable means for financing his liposuction. These specialized agencies will be able to offer you with a financial plan that meets within your budget.

A cosmetic enhancement surgery does not fall under the coverage of health insurance. So another option that a patient seeking finance has, is to identify the financial plans extended by the companies that specialize in offering credit to those who are covered by health insurance. A typical example is Credit Care, a company that lends money up to $25,000 to meet the cost of expenditure.

The underlying idea behind the financing options for liposuction is to convince the patient the need for avoiding the services offered by low cost surgeons who may turn out to be highly expensive in the long run, in terms of money and well-being. Therefore, it is wiser to seek a financial option than risk your health.

Permanence Post-Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction destroys and removes fat cells from the body and is basically a permanent alteration to the body. However, it is still possible for fat to reappear in the area but this will happen slowly over time and usually only with weight gain in all other parts of the body as well. Gaining or regaining a substantial amount of weight after laser liposuction surgery can be dangerous and definitely will look worse than if the person had not had the procedure.

It is important to keep the weight off after laser liposuction and through natural means. This means eating right and staying physically active. Drink adequate amounts of water and eat lots of leafy greens, fruits and other foods high in nutritional value. You need to schedule regular exercise regimens on a weekly basis to enjoy your new shapely body to the fullest and for the greatest number of years. Laser liposuction can shortcut you to a new contour but it does nothing to prevent destructive behavior from ruining your body.

The Cost of Laser Liposuction

One of the most obvious advantages laser liposuction has over traditional liposuction is the price difference. The cost of laser liposuction depends on a number of factors but generally can realistically range from $1,500 to $15,000. This might seem like a wide range that doesn't help much but really is the most accurate estimate you can get without personal consultation.

Some important factors that contribute to the determination of the final cost of liposuction surgery include the area of the body to be treated, the equipment used, and the doctor's fee for his or her service. Generally a more experienced and properly skilled surgeon will charge a little more.

It is important to go in for consultation before any cosmetic enhancement procedure and laser liposuction is no exception. While in the consultation session, get an exact price quote for the procedure after discussing your goals and expectations with the doctor.

Laser Liposuction Offers Significantly Shorter Recovery Time

Laser liposuction is a very convenient option for many people because they no longer have to face the longer recovery time line of traditional liposuction surgery. The result also displays itself much sooner as the patient reaches full recovery. As the area heals itself, the skin will slowly tighten itself back into place and the results will improve as the swelling subsides. There are cases where patients will experience some degree of pain as the anesthesia wears off before the treated area has had the time to fully recover. All this depends on the individual and the body’s ability to heal itself. Some patients will experience swelling up to as much as eight weeks but in milder and more common cases the swelling subsides at a much faster pace. After laser liposuction it usually only takes a patient a day or two before being ready to resume their normal daily lives. This is due largely to the smaller dosage of anesthesia for laser liposuction patients.

Laser Liposuction Patient Benefit from Smaller Anesthesia Dosages

Unlike traditional liposuction which requires general anesthesia, laser liposuction patients only receives local anesthesia. The difference is in the dosage and the outcome of dosage. General anesthesia will knock a person out while local anesthesia is only enough to numb the area that is being treated. This leaves the laser liposuction patient awake during the procedure.

The obvious benefit of being awake during the laser surgery is the ability to communicate anything that is uncomfortable or feels funny to the doctor. There are many documented risks of anesthesia complications and most of the problems originate from dosage.

Outside of health related issues, the benefit of laser liposuction is the shorter time frame required to recover from the anesthesia. On average, a patient that undergoes laser liposuction surgery will be able to walk out in about two or three hours.

Laser Liposuction Is Extremely Safe

Through the years and many procedures, laser liposuction has proven itself to be a very safe procedure relative to other cosmetic enhancement surgeries. A new procedure in laser liposuction that does not exist in traditional liposuction is the use of diluted epinephrine to constrict small blood vessels in the area to be treated. This limits the amount of blood flowing to the area and therefore reduces the amount of potential blood loss during the procedure, which is a big problem for traditional liposuction.

Another benefit of laser liposuction is the size of incisions made to perform the surgery. Much smaller than traditional liposuction tools, the damage to surrounding tissues is limited with laser liposuction and less damage means faster recovery time for the patient. This is a huge bonus for patients who would like to spend less time recovering from laser liposuction treatment and more time enjoying to their regular activities.