Laser Liposuction Patient Benefit from Smaller Anesthesia Dosages

Unlike traditional liposuction which requires general anesthesia, laser liposuction patients only receives local anesthesia. The difference is in the dosage and the outcome of dosage. General anesthesia will knock a person out while local anesthesia is only enough to numb the area that is being treated. This leaves the laser liposuction patient awake during the procedure.

The obvious benefit of being awake during the laser surgery is the ability to communicate anything that is uncomfortable or feels funny to the doctor. There are many documented risks of anesthesia complications and most of the problems originate from dosage.

Outside of health related issues, the benefit of laser liposuction is the shorter time frame required to recover from the anesthesia. On average, a patient that undergoes laser liposuction surgery will be able to walk out in about two or three hours.